Monday 2 July 2012

Canada Day Picnic

Profusion of Black-eyed- Susans

We came across this beautiful site on our way to the Tiny Marsh for a picnic.Wow!!
What a treat,never in all my life have I seen, even half this many, black-eyed-susans blooming together.I guess it's due to the very unusual spring we experienced this year, as I have noticed many other wild flowers,
like orange lilies, also blooming in profusion.

Just Beautiful !

On our way home from the Tiny Marsh we noticed that the elderberries were also in abundance all along the lower country roads. I just had to take a picture of these lovely things, on the Hogg Valley Road, at the  Faint farm. How pleased Ross and Winnie would be to see their place looking so beautiful still.

It is our intent, to try our hand, at making elderberry wine in the fall when the berries ripen. Years ago when we lived just a mile or so from there, we use to pick them and freeze them to make muffins and pies.
That was back in the good old (back to the earth ) 1970's. We lived in a wonderful old Victorian farmhouse,
raised chickens,grew a heifer named Dolly or Freezer, depending on the day and nearly killed myself with an acre garden.

Elder Berries at Ross and Winnie's Farm
Peaceful, Lovely and Sweet.



  1. Beautiful, beautiful countryside!!
    Thanks for stopping by. I'm happy to be a new follower, Mary Alice

    1. Thank you for your kind comment and for visiting


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